Now I do not have some crazy, awesome story that I lost 100 pounds and ran a marathon, but I can imagine that I would feel the same way as I do now!
THE DREADED PREGNANCY WEIGHT (that lasted way too long)
I had always been fit, active, thin and truly had the perfect body. Then I got pregnant for the first time in 2005. I gained 46 pounds. I seriously was so clueless that I couldn't just eat whatever I wanted. I was SHOCKED when after I had my son that my stomach still looked 7 months pregnant. I just couldn't believe what had happened. I ended up losing about 25 pounds when at 5 months of age, SURPRISE! I found out I was pregnant again. I did so much better with this pregnancy, but still had a lot of weight to lose. Over the next few years, I would go down and up, but always stayed about 15 pounds heavier than my pre-pregnancy weight. Then, of course, I got pregnant with number 3. It was a horribly rough, sick pregnancy and I gained close to 50 pounds. I tried over the next 3 years to lose weight with some success.
In 2012, I went back to work. I ended up being in a classroom that had mold in it. I have never been so sick in my life. I was so so sick all the time. Sinus infections, episodes of vomiting violently, being dizzy/faint, etc. I went down to 125 pounds, but I was sick. I was barely eating, could hardly exercise and when I did I felt terrible.
During the summer, I went to see a Naturopath doctor and was finally on the way to feeling better. I transferred schools and was in a different classroom and felt so much better. The bad news was with feeling better the weight came creeping back on.
I wasn't feeling sick and ate whatever I wanted. I had a check up at the doctor in December of 2013. I weighed 140 pounds and had high cholesterol. Even though I didn't feel sick anymore, I felt terrible. I was so tired all the time. I was trying to buy clothes to conceal my belly. I felt like I had to make it a point that I was not trying to get pregnant and that I was not pregnant, so that no one would "guess" that I was.
I had lots of things before, but what I truly lacked was accountability. I signed up as a Beachbody Coach and joined a challenge group for T25 that started January 6. I stuck with it because I had other people that were doing it too! From there I did the 21 Day Fix program and then finally P90X3. The results took until August 26. It didn't happen overnight. There were times when I threw in the towel, ate terribly for days, but I got back on the saddle and kept going. At the end of those programs I weighed 119 pounds. 5 pounds away from my pre-pregnancy weight in 2005! The most important thing is I am healthy and strong! I have energy and I actually LIKE to buy clothes now because I can just choose what I like, not what is most concealing to my problem areas.
I couldn't even find a picture of me at my heaviest. I did NOT want to be in any pictures. My kids will think for years that I wasn't even there based on the pictures, which is SO sad. I now jump in the pictures and feel good knowing that I am a good example for all three of my kids!
Do you wish that you could do it? YOU CAN. Email me at to start your journey.