Monday, July 21, 2014

So what is the deal on CARBS anyway?

If you have even been paying the slightest attention the past several years, you know that CARBS is that word that has become dirty is some people's minds. A lot of people blame too many carbohydrates on weight gain and think that having a low carbohydrate or no carbohydrate diet is the way to go. The thing is, it is not really that simple. Carbohydrates are everywhere and not just in bread products that we typically think of. I still feel like a balanced approach to eating is one that is best. All carbs are not bad, but some are clearly superior to others. When eating carbohydrates, you want to eat complex carbohydrates. These include things like green vegetables, fruits, and whole grain breads. I found this great chart on that really breaks down the good versus the bad. She has some other great information there too.

There is always lots of information out there, but I feel like if you stick to healthy, clean ingredients you really can't go wrong. 

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